23 de julio de 2016

Urban Fashion Girl

Head: Genesis Lab - Nelly Emotions Rare. From gatcha (not free, 99L per play)
Body: Maitreya - Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V3.5 (not free)
Hands and Feet: Slink (not free)
Hair: Iconic - Coco (free in The Hair Fair 2016)
Necklace: Eclat - Ari Chocker Gold (old gift in the Tres Chic Event)
Tattoo: .Reckless. - Joon II (free - group gift)

Look 1:
Bikini: Kendrasy Creations -  Enzo Bikini (free in the Has# Urban Fashion Event)
Wedges: REIGN - Patern Amala (50L, Fifty Lindens Fridays, still available today, hurry up!!)

Look 2:
Dress: LSR Moda - Sexy Mini Dress Melissa (free in the Has# Urban Fashion Event)
Shoes: Essenz - Congo (not free)
Earrings: Baubles! - Zene Earrings (free, group gift)
Bracelet: Azoury - Bracelet Flowers (old event gift, not available)

Look 3:
Dress: GV George Verde - Silver Cocktail Dress (free in the Has# Urban Fashion Event)
Shoes: Bens Boutique - Alexa Extreme Pumps (not free, 99L)
Earrings: JKT - ESs7 silver (not free, 25L)

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